Market Cap: 4.1T Total Funds: 1716 Increased Funds: 1034 Decreased Funds: 488

İş Portfolio TBV Fund

İş Portföy Özel Sektör Borçlanma Araçları (Tl) Fonu
TBV Price0.210004 Market Cap234.09M
Number of Investors5177 Available Supply1.11B
Yearly Management Fee1.75% Tax Withholding
Risk Value
CategoryPrivate Sector Debt Instruments
Portfolio Management Company
İş Portfolio
Traded on TEFAS
Debt Securities
Market Cap Rank965
İş Portföy Özel Sektör Borçlanma Araçları (Tl) Fonu (TBV) is a "Borçlanma Araçları" umbrella fund issued by İş Asset Management. Its category is Private Sector Debt Instruments and it is open for trading on TEFAS. TBV, which increased by 0.12% compared to the previous business day, ranks at number 6 among the other 9 Private Sector Debt Instruments funds on a daily basis. TBV is also at rank 6 with a 3.70% increase on a monthly basis. Compared to the previous day, the total value of the fund increased by ₺880.77K, while the number of investors increased by 25. İş Portföy Özel Sektör Borçlanma Araçları (Tl) Fonu (TBV), in last one year, had a return of %34.80 compared to US Dollar, %39.77 compared to Euro, %28.10 compared to Bist100 and %1.35 compared to Gold.

TBV Fund Returns

Daily Weekly Monthly 3 Mo 6 Mo YTD Yearly
%0.12 %0.84 %3.70 %11.66 %24.83 %52.87 %55.38

TBV Fund Price Chart

TBV Fund Investor Growth Chart

TBV Fund Market Cap Chart

TBV Fund Portfolio Allocation

Yield Comparison (1000 TL)

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