Market Cap: 4.1T Total Funds: 1716 Increased Funds: 1034 Decreased Funds: 488

Qnb Fi̇nans Portfolio LET Fund

Qnb Portföy Leto Serbest (Dövi̇z) Özel Fon
LET Price37.3479 Market Cap513.15M
Number of Investors2 Available Supply13.74M
Yearly Management Fee0.40% Tax Withholding
Risk Value
Portfolio Management Company
Qnb Fi̇nans Portfolio
Traded on TEFAS
Market Cap Rank686
Qnb Portföy Leto Serbest (Dövi̇z) Özel Fon (LET) is a "Serbest" umbrella fund issued by Qnb Fi̇nans Asset Management. Its category is Private and it is close for trading on TEFAS. LET, which increased by 0.04% compared to the previous business day, ranks at number 234 among the other 481 Private funds on a daily basis. LET is also at rank 376 with a 2.19% increase on a monthly basis. Compared to the previous day, the total value of the fund increased by ₺194.76K, while the number of investors remained the same. Qnb Portföy Leto Serbest (Dövi̇z) Özel Fon (LET), in last one year, had a return of %-20.58 compared to US Dollar, %-15.61 compared to Euro, %-27.28 compared to Bist100 and %-54.03 compared to Gold.

LET Fund Returns

Daily Weekly Monthly 3 Mo 6 Mo YTD Yearly
%0.04 %0.46 %2.19 %3.87 %12.06 %0.00 %0.00

LET Fund Price Chart

LET Fund Investor Growth Chart

LET Fund Market Cap Chart

LET Fund Portfolio Allocation

Yield Comparison (1000 TL)

LET Fund Comments

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